Today's Picture to Ponder Photo
Two views of a Purple Gallinule in motion, along the stem of the fireflag plant in Wakodahatchee Wetlands
In the last issue
of Picture to Ponder I featured a fireflag flower and I thought it
would be fun to follow-up with these photos of a purple gallinule in
the process of moving toward a few at the end of a stem. The fireflag
flower is his favorite food. To see him out over the water, almost at
his destination, click on water.
Self-Reflecting Queries
Another reason for sharing today's gallinule photos is that they bring
a grin to my face every time I look at them. I thought you might smile
Of course, we could get heavy and significant about the bird, make a
determination that he is struggling and "holding on tight," or we could
say he's simply relaxing with his wings spread out, enjoying his
In the lower photo, we could state that he is warily taking his next
step, or we could say he's dancing (my initial response when I first
viewed the photo.)
Bottom line, we can make all kinds of interpretations as to what's
happening with the gallinule. Who is to determine which is the
"correct" one? On the other hand, we can simply be with the beauty of
his colors, the lines of his legs and amazing feet, or however you see
Hmm. Once again I've brought my interpretations into the picture. I
invite you to check in with yourself. Are there places in your life
where you are so busy making interpretations, "figuring" something out,
that you are missing the opportunity of having fun.
If so what thoughts and/or emotions would you need to release right now
to have that pleasure. Might it be perfectionism? judgment? the need to
be right? anger? something else? If you see it, please take the action
of letting go so can can have pleasure in this moment.
As always, have fun and play with this.
Hello Sheila,
Your Purple Gallinule teaches us a great lesson in Perception! Is he or isn't he, that is the question! We must always be sure to take a step back when we come to decisin or judgement and BE SURE that we look at all sides.
Thanks for the lovely photos AND the lessons contained therein!
RS Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
Posted by: RS Mallory | July 16, 2008 at 01:05 PM
at first I just stared at the wings thinking how angelic and then I saw the legs and burst out laughing.
what a hoot
love and blessing
Posted by: Jean | July 16, 2008 at 01:39 PM
I think fun is exactly the right word for this bird. It made me happy just to see him. When I am having fun, I feel like I am in perfect harmony with the Universe. The reason I like nature so much is that it can always take me right there.
I appreciate your work. I think this is the work you were meant to do!
Nancy D
Posted by: Nancy Dault | July 17, 2008 at 09:02 AM
In the second photo of the gallinule, she is holding out her foot and exclaiming, "I sure do need a peddy, doncha think?"
Posted by: Dellie | July 18, 2008 at 02:25 PM