Today's Picture to Ponder Photo
Horizontal view of the leaves, or frond, of a Bottle Palm Tree
As I was searching for today's Picture to Ponder photo the drama of
this one popped out at me. "Perfect for writing," I thought, though I
did not plan to write from it in this issue. And then as I was putting
together this issue, I wrote:
Powerful leaves
Diagonally strong
Directed where?
Into an abyss or
A whole new world of opportunity?
I appreciate your strength and
Your different points of view.
Rotate you 180 degrees and
I want to sleep,
Lulled by your gentle movement
Rotate you once again at 90 degrees
And I want to party.
It's the feeling of the rhythm of what
Now appears to be one side of
Your head of long hair.
This is the normal way you are seen.
Shall I keep this view,
Making a party statement on life?
Or shall I go for the power and direction
In picture number one?
To see photos 2 and 3 enlarged, and for other views of the trunk and the full tree, see BOTTLE PALM TREE.
Self-Reflecting Queries
How wonderful it is that life does offer us so many options and
opportunities to change in any moment, simply by shifting our view
points - perspectives. All I needed to do to experience totally
different perceptions here was to rotate the photo.
Are there places in your life right now, where shifting points of view
might present new opportunities for you? If so, I invite you to play
with this. Before starting note, also, that the original source of the
shift occurred in the closing in, initially, on a small section of the
frond. It was that which resulted in the variety.
As I look at the tree itself, large view,
I find it difficult to source the origin of the powerful view initially
shown here. This reminds me to invite you to also close in on a small
segment of the situation you might be exploring.
I invite you to use the photos as a jumping off point for your own
writing, for exploration. You might find something totally unexpected
opening up for you and I expect, most different than what came up for
As always, have fun.
An angels wing,
this picture shows much movement, grace and symetry
but sharp and yet harmonious, These pictures always seem to reflect what is going on in my life, each one always seems so pertinent as to what is happening in my world. At the moment I am clearing out clutter and re organising rooms, re sorting bookshelves. Yes, these pictures always seem to represent what is going on in my life. Thanks Sheila
Posted by: Jean Thornton | June 04, 2008 at 12:59 AM