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December 28, 2007


Suzanne Holman

Sheila, these are so beautiful! They look like paintings by a highly skilled, artist.
I feel a lot of emotion radiating from each of them.
Thank you for sharing these as we say good bye to 2007 and hello to 2008.
love and hugs to you,

Judith Tramayne

As always, these were the best of the best. Absolutely perfect pictures to end this year!!

Now do you have the Water Lily one as a print? I want one!!!



Exquisite shots, as always. Blessings for a happy, healthy, prosperous new year!


The water lily is lovely, but I'm really attracted to the leaf. Those colors appeal to me so much. Plus, the overhead trees relected in the water seem to give a very 3-D effect to the photo (or maybe that's just my "eye disturbance").

Peace for us all in 2008.

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